including Weather Forecast, followed by Scottish Announcements and Scottish Market Prices for Farmers (From Edinburgh)
A Contemporary Account, by A. Spinnle Shanks , Esquire, of the Official Launch of the S.B. Queen Bee (formerly known as the 123) (N.B.—S.B. denotes sail-boat, and the word official is used in connection with the launch because the S.B. Queen Bee, then known as the 123, launched herself unofficially the night before and had to be pulled on to the stocks again by one of the Cleansing Department horses.)
A Variety Programme from the Silver City
FIVE FISHER QUINES fa sing at their wark
GUISEPPE GIULIANOTTI introducing a dash of Italian
McINTOSH in ' A Gey Cheenge There '
A bit of blether with a spot of song
THOMAS McKAY blawin' the bellows
LAMBERT WILSON 'S QUINTET and SINGER in Musical Comedy and Scots Selections
Weather Forecast and News