Directed by R. E. Cahill. From the Picture Playhouse
Relayed from the Wesleyan Central Hall, Inverness.
A Highland Programme.
Inverness Gaelic Musical Association. Conducted by Lewis J. Owen. Stewart MacInnes (Gaelic Vocalist). Choir: Gradh Geal mo Chridhe (arr. Roberton); An Cuthrachan (MacConnachie).
Churning Lilt and Thaiqig an Gill Duhh (Kennedy-Fraser); O's Toigh learn an Cibeir and Puinneagan Cail (Traditional).
Of a' the Airts (Marshall); Open the Door Traditional); Mary Morrison (Moffat)
Bella MacRae (MacLean); The Fool's Prayer (Sill)
Cthair a Chuil Chinn (McLeod); Our Mills Morag (Kennedy-Fraser); Caol Muile (McLeod).
O Till ae leannain (Murray); Cagaran Gaolach (Nesbitt)
Mhuinntir a Ghlinne So (Traditional); Horo mo chuid chuideachd thu- (Moonie)
Och nan Och 'smi fo leireadh (Bell).
Mo Chailin Dileas Donn (Roberton); Hug o laithill o horo (Roddie)