Miss Brenda Trail , "My Impressions of Italy."
Steadman's Symphony Orchestra, relayed from the Electric Theatre.
of Liszt Transcriptions by Nan Davidson
relayed from the Electric
S.B. from London.
"The Violin and Its Family."
Talk prepared by the late Prof. E. H. BARTON , D.Se. S.B. from London.
S.B. from
F.I.C., Topical Talk. S.B. to Scottish Stations.
S.B. from London.
"Force, Wits and a Woman." A play in One Act by Julius Hare
S.B. from. Glasgow.
S.B. from London.
S.B. from Glasgow.
S.B. from London. Mr. EDWARD CRESSY : "The
Engineer in Adventure-A Race With the Sun in Alaska." S.B. from Manchester.
Local News.
S.B. from London.