(to 17.00)
(to 18.00)
Fifth Lecture on "German."
(to 18.55)
S.B. from London.
Mr. Hartley Withers
S.B. from London.
Local News
Relayed from the Music Hall.
S.B. to Glasgow and Edinburgh.
Community Singing undertaken by some 2,300 Members of the "2BD" Listeners' Club.
Supported by Crue Davidson (Contralto), Norman Allin (Bass), Augustus Beddie (Recitalist)
The Hall Russell Male Voice Choir
Conductor, George A. Innes
Irvine S. Cooper (Solo Organ)
Grand Orchestra
Conductor, Nancy Lee
7.30 Organ Recital
The Rt. Hon. Lord Glentanar of Glentanar, Address.
Mr. Robert McLeod, Mus. Bac., F.R.C.O., Address.
(By Special Request.)
S.B. from Dundee.
The Twa Coortins - Kennedy
Johnny Gibbs' Funeral - Stevenson
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