followed by MORNING MUSIC
BBC Variety Orchestra Leader, John Jezard
Conductor, Paul Fenoulhet
BBC West of England Players Leader, William Reid
Directed by Peter Martin
Ronnie Aldrich and Jack Emblow
Light Orchestra
Leader, David Adams
Conductor. David Curry
David Nixon introduces your request records
A story, a hymn, and a prayer
Listeners' requests
Introduced and played by Sandy Macpherson at the BBC theatre organ
Cecil Norman and the Rhythm Players
From Wales
4 Jacob's Ladder'
Written and read by Edward Rees
Thursday's recorded broadcast
Requests from Overseas listeners played by Victor Silvester and his Ballroom Orchestra
Introduced by Victor Silvester
Produced by John Fenton
BBC General Overseas Service production
Harry Davidson and his Orchestra with Raymond Newell
Introduced by Ivan Samson M.C. , Charles Crathorn
from London
The Carson Twins Billy Burden
Kay Cavendish Derek Roy
BBC Revue Orchestra Leader, Julien Gaillard
Conducted by Malcolm Lockyef Introduced by Bill Gates
featuring the BBC Northern Dance Orchestra with Sheila Buxton and The Geoff Alderson Five
Ken Frith at the piano Norman George (violin)
Directed by Kenny Baker Introduced by Roger Moffat
Produced by Desmond Sissoni
A programme for children under five
Today's story: ' The Three Naughty Pussycats ' by E. A. Clayton , told by Daphne Oxenford. Part 2. BBC recording
From the North of England
Introduced by June Green
South American Way: by John Alldridge
Portrait of a Listener: Miranda Roberts of Burnley
Continued in next column
Northern Guest of the Week: David Storey
An Unusual Honeymoon: described by Margaret Poole
Getting In and Getting Out: by Geoffrey Parrish
Preview of Cotton-1961: by Donald Tomlinson
John Glen and June Tobin read from ' The Sea Change' by Elizabeth Jane Howard
The serial is recorded
Conducted by Captain W. Williams , M.B.E. Director of Music
Hugh James and his Orchestra
Script by Robert Turley
with Jimmy Shand
A miscellany of music from Scotland sung by Laura Brand
The Joe Gordon Folk Four and played by Jimmy Shand and his Band
Introduced by Bill Jack
Produced by Ben Lyons in the BBC's Scottish studios
News, views, and music
Richard Murdoch invites you to listen to the brightest and best of records also
Take A Tip from Fanny Cradock and Garden with Percy Thrower
Hear Something Strictly for lien from Logan Gourlay
Variations on a Theme by Felix King
Tonight's Topic
Paul Fenoulhet conducts the BBC Variety Orchestra Leader, John Jezard
Produced by Richard Dingley
including racing results
Gerald Sinstadt on Saturday's fixtures
Ted Ray with Kitty Bluett
Kenneth Connor
Laidman Browne , Pat Coombs Percy Edwards in IN FROM THE OUTBACK
Script by Bernard Botting and Charles Hart
Produced by Leslie Bridgmont
A song-a-minute sequence of popular melodies old and new sung by Benny Lee , Jean Campbell
June Marlow , Franklyn Boyd Julie Dawn , Dick Jordan with the Steve Race Four and Harold Smart
Compiled and produced by Johnnie Stewart
A spontaneous discussion by John Arlott
The Abbot of Downside
Frank Cousins
Peter Rawlinson , M.P.
Travelling Question-master, Freddy Grisewood
Arranged by Michael Bowen
From the Grammar School Havant, Hampshire
Repeated on Tuesday at 1.10 (Home) Listeners' views for use in Any Answers? 'next Thursday at 8.30 p.m. should be addressed to the BBC, Bristol, marked ' Any Answers?' and should arrive as soon as possible
BBC Concert Orchestra Leader. William Armon
Conductor, Vilem Tausky Clive Lythgoe
Frederick Harvey
Band of H.M. Royal Marines Portsmouth
Conducted by Captain K. A. McLean , M.B.E. Director of Music
Introduced by Frank Phillips Produced by Geoffrey Brand
From The Guildhall, Southampton.
on gramophone records
invites you to listen to
Sidney Bowman and his Orchestra in a programme of Old Time Dance Music
Introduced by Jimmy Young Master of Ceremonies, Stanley Wilson
Produced by Rex Burrows
BBC West of England Players Leader, William Reid
Directed by Peter Martin