Introduced by Peter West
A story, a hymn, and a prayer
at the BBC theatre organ
Jack Salisbury and his Salon Orchestra
' A Thumping Lie ' by Douglas Edwards
Read by Preston Lockwood
(Leader. Jack Nugent )
Conductor, Jack Leon
(Leader, Reginald Stead )
Conductor, John Hopkins
with Harold Smart his electric organ and rhythm group
Produced by Frank Hooper
A programme for children under five
Today's story: Chippy's Mouse ' by Constance Miller, told by Julia Lang
Reading Your Letter- expressing the listeners' point of view
Spinning a Yarn: Commander Ibbett's tale today is called 'The Rolling Stone'
The Showmakers: Gordon Gow talks about recent events in the world of entertainment and introduces the recorded voices of some of its personalities whom he has talked with, including Norman Wisdom, John Paddy Carstairs,
Janette Scott, and Bobby Howes
Looking at the News: a commentary on current affairs
Serial: The Dead Secret' by Wilkie Collins
Abridged by Becky Cocking
Read by Derek Hart
The fourteenth of fifteen instalments
Introduced by Marjorie Anderson
and his Players
Joan Ryan (soprano) Roger Doucet (tenor).
Harry Leader and his Band
Script by Billy Thatcher
A message of comfort and cheer for all 'in trouble, sorrow, need, sickness or any other adversity'
Stuart Hibberd introduces a talk by John Gordge
Listeners' letters are very welcome, as they give real help in planning these talks. Send them to Stuart Hibberd, [address removed]. Listeners will realise that speakers cannot reply personally, but will try to deal with their problems in the talks.
Music from theatre and films played by the BBC West of England
Light Orchestra
(Leader, Frederick Lunnon ) Conductor, Frank Cantell
by Roy Williams
The second of two programmes presenting in words and music impressions of the Republic which has just been visited by the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh. The recordings were made with the co-operation of Emissora Nacional of Lisbon.
Production by Joe Burroughs
In which she introduces some old friends and some new ones on gramophone records
A programme for family listening presented by members of the Younger Generation
The Attraction of Living Things
For many young people, the world of living things-animals, birds, reptiles, and insects-provide an exciting realm of discovery. For others there is the additional attraction of learning to care for and control animals.
A round-up of recordings with contributions from:
Anne Bunting of Thome
Kenneth Hughes of Chesterfield
Peter Hocking of Yelverton and the 1st Wales
Animal Welfare Cadet Corps
A series of five-round contests
London v. Northern Ireland
Round 3
Professor Denis Brogan
Hubert Phillips
Quiz-Master, Lionel Hale
Northern Ireland:
James Boyce , Ronald Green
Howard Marion-Crawford
15—' School for Scandal' with Barbara Lyon , Richard Lyon
Doris Rogers , Molly Weir
Richard Bellaers , Horace Percival
A radio correspondence column in which listeners add their comments to the views expressed in last Friday's 'Any Questions?'
Introduced by Freddy Grisewood
Produced by Michael Bowen
with Kitty Bluett
Kenneth Connor
Raymond Glendenning
BBC Variety Orchestra
Conductor Paul Fenoulhet with music scored by Bob Sharpies
Script by Charles Hart and Bernard Botting
Produced by Leslie Bridgmont
A song-a-minute sequence of popular melodies old and new sung by Benny Lee , Julie Dawn
Franklyn Boyd , Jean Campbell
The Coronets and The Steve Race Quartet with Harold Smart
Compiled and produced by Johnnie Stewart
for Olde-Tyme dancing with Sydney Thompson and his Olde-Tyme Orchestra
Introduced by John Webster
Produced by Rex Burrows
' Dear Mad'm' by Stella W. Patterson
(to be read in twenty instalments)
Abridged by Eve Howland
Read by Gwen Day Burroughs
19—' Facing the Music '
Neville Meale at the organ of the Granada, Tooting, London
followed by Shipping Forecast on 1,500 m. only