Introduced by Sam Heppner
A story, a hymn, and a prayer
Bobby Pagan at the BBC theatre organ Selection: Ivor Novello Melodies
The Promenade Players
Conductor, Sidney Bowman
(Yesterday's recorded broadcast)
and his Quintet
Millicent Phillips (soprano)
' The Moon Through Glass' by Leena Murray .
Read by Margaret Lang
A programme of strict tempo dance music played by Victor Silvester and his Ballroom Orchestra
(Leader, J. Mouland Begbie )
Conducted by John Hopkins
A programme for children under five
Nursery rhymes, stories, and music
A daily programme for women at home
Introduced by Mary Ferguson and including:
' My Party Dish.' 1—' Oasserole of Hare,' by Primrose Hubbard
A series in which speakers, who are not necessarily professional cooks, describe a dish that they and their friends think of as their own speciality.
Getting Ready for Winter. ' The Rainy Day': Ruth Drew advises on the care of wet-weather equipment
' Guest Book': some regular listeners visit the programme and sign the book
' Conflict! ' When we are in two minds about something doctors say we have a conflict. The Woman's Hour doctor offers his explanation of how such conflicts grow.
Serial: Tono-Bungay ' by H. G. Wells. Abridged by Nancy Pusey. Read by James McKechnie
The Rendezvous Players featuring Jack Collings with Arthur Downes (baritone)
Member of Parliament by H. E. Howard
5—' Leader of the Opposition '
This episode in the parliamentary career of Richard Dixon , an imaginary English citizen, deals with his activities as leader of the Opposition. The speaker explains the duty and function of the Opposition as organised critics of the Government.
Richard Bebb plays the part of Richard Dixon
Jack White and his Band
BBC Welsh Orchestra
Conducted by Arwel Hughes with Ernest Davies (baritone)
at the BBC theatre organ
Selection of music by Friml and Stothart
Commonwealth artists entertain featuring Joy Nichols The Maple Leaf Four and William Clothier
BBC Revue Orchestra (Leader, David Paget )
Conducted by Robert Busby
Introduced by Peter King Produced by David Miller
on gramophone recorde '
President, Michael Beli
How it Began
5—' The Concerto '
Speaker, Joseph Coopc
Written by Edward J. Mason and Geoffrey Webb.
A story of country folk.
Script by Alan Stranks
7-' The Case of the Seventh Heaven'
Production by Vernon Harris
with Henrietta Byrne (soprano)
Trefor Jones (tenor)
Alexander Henderson (bass)
BBC Opera Chorus
(Trained by Alan G. Melville )
BBC Opera Orchestra (Leader, John Shaipe )
Conductor, Stanford Robinson
Programme devised by Gwen Williams and Stanford Robinson
with Denyck Guyler
Steve Conway
Doris Rogers
Daphne Anderson
Wilfred Babbage
BBC Variety Orchestra
Conducted by Paul Fenoulhet
Script by Leslie Julian Jones and Carey Edwards
Produced by Bill WorsJey
The second in a serdes of three discussions on questions of to.pical interest between
Christopher Mayhew and Nigel Birch
In the chair, Edgar Lustgarten
You are invited to join Victor Silvester and his Orchestra. During this programme there is another simple lesson by Victor Silvester.
' The Rains Come' by Louis Bromfield
Reader, Gordon Gow
7—' After the Deluge '
Melodies, we like to recall played by Frank Walker and his Miniature Orchestra