Jonah Barrington introduces your request records
‘Penny Plain—Tuppence Coloured’: Hugh Sykes Davies talks about the ' flat ' statement or description, and demonstrates how to give it colour
Troise and his Mandoliers with Maureen Tasker and John Watts
' Turco '
Written and read by T. O. Beachcroft
BBC Welsh Orchestra
Conductor. Mansel Thomas
Al Bollington at the BBC theatre organ
BBC Variety Orchestra Conductor, Rae Jenkins with Janet Davis
BBC Scottish Orchestra
Conducted by Robert Irving
Today Joan Griffiths introduces: Marian Cutler who explains more details about National Insurance; ' Weaning-what to do at Meal times,' by a doctor; 'The Way We Live.' by Phyllis Connell ; ‘On Being Ill,’ by Barbara Back : and the current serial story, ' Miss Mapp ' by E. F Benson , read by Vivienne Chatterton
Sidney Davey and his Players
Howard Lucraft and his Music
Sandy Macpherson at the BBC theatre organ
Southern Serenade Orchestra
Directed by Reg. Leopold with Monia Liter (piano)
and his Orchestra
Jan Hurst and his Orchestra
Thriller serial
Script by Basil Dawson
Produced by David H. Godfrey
to meet
Ethel Manners and Mary Naylor with Percy Garside
Arthur Arnold , Peter Broadbent
Richard Valery and his Concert Orchestra
Script by Ronald Taylor
Produced by Bowker Andrews
From the NAAFI Club. Manchester
3-The Chinese Boxers
Written by Stephen Grenfell
Music composed by Arthur Oldham
Augmented BBC Revue Orchestra
Conducted by Frank Cantell
Produced by Joel O'Brien
Tunes you have asked us to play
A series of plays specially written by its members
4-' Sweet Death ' by Christianna Brand
Other parts played by Denise Bryer and Arthur Ridley
Produced by Martyn C . Webster
and his Orchestra and ROBERTO INGLEZ and his Rumba Band
From the Savoy Restaurant, London