Your request records introduced this week by Roy Rich
Background information on matters of current interest.
10.15 Details of Forces Educational Broadcasts for the week
Terence Casey at the organ of the Gaumont State, Kilburn, London
A weekly review of events in the House of Commons and the House of Lords by Ernest Atkinson, political correspondent of the Liverpool Daily Post.
A programme of gramophone records
Michaeloff and his Mazurka Orchestra
Dance music on gramophone records
Reginald Foort at the theatre organ.
BBC Northern Orchestra: conductor, Charles Groves
From the Y.M.C.A., Manchester
Ransome and Maries Works Band: conductor. David Aspinall
A daily programme of music, advice, and entertainment for the home
Alan Ivimey introduces A. D. C. Le Sueur on ' Logs to Burn Alice Hooper Beck on ' Beauty and the Older Woman ' ; ' Housewives' Choice of gramophone records; and the current serial story. E. M. Delatleld 's ' Diary of a Provincial Lady,' read by Evelyn Russell
Herbert Murrill talks about the Variations from Suite No. 3. in G
Reg. Pursglove with his Music Makers
The day-to-day history of an ordinary family.
A comedy by James Bernard Fagan. Produced by Hugh Stewart
The Majestic Orchestra, conducted by Reg. Leopold, with James Moody (piano)
'Faster than Sound,' by Charles Gardner; 'Behind the Camera,' a discussion by Anthony Asquith and Edward Baird; 'Birthday Exchange,' by Rose Mary Sands. Programme introduced by Peter Watson
Thriller serial.
Excerpts from the new revue presented by Firth Shephard. Music by Harry Parr Davies. Lyrics by Harold Purcell. Additional material by Douglas Furber, Michael Treford, and Richard Hearne. Produced by Wendy Toye
Cast includes Arthur Riscoe, Richard Hearne; Eddie Gray, Douglas Byng, Marie Burke, Gavin Gordon, Eric Anderson, Irving Davies, Norman Tree, and Margo Johns. John Blore and his Orchestra. Commentator. John Ellison. From the Princes Theatre, London
(Pictures on page 13)
with Betty Astell , Jack Cooper , and Davy Burnaby. BBC Variety Orchestra, conducted by Rae Jenkins. Script by Dick Pepper. Produced by Harry S. Pepper.
Freely adapted by Wallace Geoffrey i from the book by Mark Twain. Produced by Martyn C. Webster. Episode 1
Others taking part include Basil Jones , Hugh Munro , Lionel Stevens , and Harry Lockwood-West . (
A musical feature, with the BBC Theatre Orchestra. This week
' The Music of Watdteufel'
A programme of music by the famous French waltz composer, introduced by his son, Henri Waldteufel. Rose Alper (soprano). Conducted by Harold Lowe. Produced by Harold Neden *
with his crazy gang-Arthur Haynes , Ken Morris , Len Marten , Louise Gainsborough , Ramon St. Clair , and the ' Blue Rockets' Dance Orchestra directed by Eric Robinson. Produced by Leslie Bridgmont
with Chorus and BBC Variety Orchestra, conducted by Rae Jenkins.
and his Orchestra in a programme of uninterrupted music
Sydney Lipton and his Orchestra. From Grosvenor House, London
and his Pieces of Eight