Gramophone records
from swing to classics
Records of Peggy Wood
Recording of 'the Coventry Hippodrome Orchestra (conductor. William Pethersi , broadcast in the Home Service en June 7
for: Forces newspapers overseas
on gramophone records
Conductor. Dan Lloyd
Richard Crean and his Orchestra.
Recorded in America, and heard by arrangement with' the American. Forces Network
and his Orchestra, with Alan Kane , Julie Dawn , Hazel Bray , and the Modernaires
introduced by Christopher Stone, with record requests and the results of 'Here's Wishing You Well Again' competition: 'Puzzle it Out.' (Recording of last night's broadcast)
Conducted by Lionel Salter
British Composers
and his Players
Louis Levy and his Gaumont-British Studio Orchestra, with Beryl Davis. Benny Lee. Jack Cooper , and the Georgettes. Introduced by Harry Middleton. Produced by Elisabeth Tyson.
The monthly 'get-together' for R.A.F. and W.A.A.F. overseas, including a selection of this month's new records: the latest Air Force news and gossip in 'News from Dispersal Point'; and 'Out of the Groove,' a record with a reputation. Presented by Flight-Lieut Roy Rich
Fortnightly review of sporting events past and present. Tennis: memories of Wimbledon. revived by H. B. T. Wakelam , and illustrated with recordings
Conducted by Ian Whyte
Weekly commentary on World Affairs
Each week Sandy Macpherson invites a well-known guest to accompany him on a stringed instrument: this week, John Shinebourne (cello)
presents ' Foundations of Jazz.' 4-' March and Cakewaik : gramophone programme written by Charles Wil ford. Introduced by Denis Preston and produced by Sheila Fryer
On gramophone records.
(Naval Edition)
A Home Forces entertainment for all ' in khaki and two shades of blue ' serving afloat or overseas. The ' Agamemnon' Concert Dance Orchestra, conducted by Bandmaster Hobbs , R.M.B., and Naval artists from the ship's Concert Party. ' Double or Quits ' cash quiz, conducted by Lieut. Harold Warrender R.N.V.R , .
Programme introduced by a guest from the W.R.N.S., and produced in collaboration with the Welfare Services Department of the Admiralty.
Maudie Edwards , with Roy Marsh and Sidney Torch
Richard Bennett introduces experts who answer questions from Forces everywhere
(as Home Service) followed by LIGHT MUSIC on gramophone records (medium waves only)
Music chosen by a member of the Forces overseas. Today, Sub-Lieut. M. Robinson, R.N.V.R., H.M.S. 'Brittany'
John Blore and his Orchestra