Records chosen by Forces overseas
from swing to classics
' Records of Sidney Burchall
Recording of Vernon Adcock and his Orchestra, broadcast in the Home Service on May 21
for Forces newspapers overseas
Dance music, recorded in America and heard by arrangement with the American Forces Network
background information on matters of current interest.
Music chosen by a member of the Forces serving overseas. Today, Cpl. R. E. Tolley R.A.F ,., India
' Owen Walters and his Orchestra
and his Orchestra.
Conductor. Albert E. Badrick (Soloist, George Dunn> ) (Soloist. Frank Wesson> )
CBC Network programme originating in Vancouver, with Percy Harvey and the Golden Strings Orchestra, and songs by Anne Watt and Greg Miller. (CBC recording)
CBC Network programme featuring popular tunes and cowboy songs, played by Cammie Howard and his Qumtet, and sung by Oral Scheer . (CBC recording of a programme originating in Ottawa)
Records of classical music chosen by civilian and Forces listeners overseas
(Naval edition). A Home Forces entertainment for all serving afloat or overseas: the Blue Mariners Dance Band. directed by Petty Officer George Crow. Service artists and guest stars, including Sub.-Lieut.
Eric Barker and . Pearl Hackney.
' Double or Quits ' cash quiz, edited by David Manderson and conducted by Lieutenant Harold Warrender. R.N.V.R. Programme introduced by a guest from the W.R.N.S. and produced in collaboration with the Welfare Services Department of the Admiralty.
Kay Cavendish with her piano.
(Recording of last Thursday's broadcast)
Recording of last Thursday's broadcast in the Home Service
Records chosen for themselves by British Forces overseas
Conductor, Guy Warrack
James Sloan introduces the BBC Scottish Orchestra, conducted by Ian Whyte , with Elizabeth Mackinlay (soprano). Sports news. (BBC recording)
Weekly broadcasts from well-known Variety theatres: this week, the Empire Theatre, Nottingham, with Alex Pleon , the Jerry Allen Trio , and Maudie Edwards
and interlude
Novelty numbers and solo pieces, played by the BBC Variety Orchestra (conductor, Charles Shadwell ), with Gene Crowley
and the Dance Orchestra, with Rita Marlowe , Benny Lee , Sid Buckman , and the Prairie Boys
Fortnightly review of sporting events past and present. Cricket: memories of a famous English cricket nursery (Lascelles Hall. Yorkshire), revived by A. P. Crosland and H. M. Moor -house. Introduced by Victor Smythe. Central Lancashire Cricket League prospects, discussed by John Kay and Jack Iddon in an interview with A. E. Lawton.
followed by LIGHT MUSIC on gramophone records (medium waves only)
with music by Capt. Robert Farnon and the Canadian Band of the A.E.F. Songs by Canadian Forces Entertainers, and contributions from the ' Dominion specially recorded for this programme.
Harry Fryer and his- Orchestra. (Recording of a broadcast in the Home - Service on May 26)