Records chosen by Forces overseas
from swing to classics
Ronnie Munro and his Orchestra, with Janette Sclanders. John Silver , and Kay Kennedy.
News read at dictation speed for Forces newspapers overseas
Recorded by members of the Services for relatives and friends in Britain
Cairo Calling
Introduced by Peter Haddon
Service for Forces here and overseas in out-of-the-way places who have no padre with them. Conducted by the Rev. Vine Russell, R.N . Hymns sung by the choristers of the King's Chapel of the Savoy, London
East Africa Calling
Introduced by Kathleen Robinson
and his Mazurka Orchestra
News . from and about the three Canadian Services overseas, and a newsletter from Canada, read by W.R.N.S. Georgina Murray. R.c.N.v.g .
Association Football: England v. France; and League (North) Cup Final . Edited recorded versions of yesterday's commentaries
from Warwick Road Congregational
Church, Coventry, conducted by the Rev. Leslie Cooke
Organ: for diapasons (John Bennet ):
Prelude No. 6 on an old Irish church melody (Stanford)
Introit: Sanctus (Cong. H. 907)
The Lord's Prayer
Give to our God immortal praise
(Cong. H. 10)
Lesson: 1 Thessalonians 5, vv. 1-18
Address: ' The Resources of a Thankful Heart '
Psalm No. 46: God is our refuge and strength (Cong. H. 812)
Ye servants of God (Cong. H. 73) Benediction
Organ Voluntary In C (Croft) Organist, S. J. Wisdom
with Reg. Leopold and his Players, and Jack Cooper
Repeat of last Tuesday's recorded broadcast in the A.E.F. Programme
Conducted by Clarence Raybould
Answers bv 'A Psycho- Analyst,' Cradr. A. B. Campbell , Dr. C. E. M. Joad ,
Arnold Lunn , Lord Winster. Question-Master, Donald McCullough. (Shortened edition for overseas of last Tuesday's recorded session)
with Jack Cooper and the augmented Dance Orchestra, conducted by Stanley Black .
Marjorie Anderson replies to letters sent to her by Forces overseas
The Combined Stoll Theatres Orchestra (by permission of Prince Littler), under its conductor, Reginald Burston, with Alan Paul (piano). Produced by Michael North
Sewell Stokes on films
A recording made on board H.M.S. ' Newfoundland,' when the cruiser was recently in Mediterranean waters
An entertainment for Forces, overseas: Dorothy Squires , Peter Sinclair , Kathleen Moody , Charles Stephens , Mary Naylor , Nicholas Brodszky in ' Composer Cavalcade,' with Rita Williams. Jacqueline Boyer. BBC Revue Orchestra: conductor, Alan Crooks. Introduced by Dorothy Hyson. Produced by Cecil Madden and Stephen Williams. From the stage of the'Queensberry All-Services Club.
7.55 app. Edmundo Ros and his Rumba Band
8.11 app. Frank Titterton with the London Studio Players
8.20 app. Overture: Die Fledermaus
Recording of last Thursday's broadcast in the Home Service
Followed at 9.10 by Home News from Canada cabled from the CBC News Rooms
played by Alfredo CampoU
featuring Moore Marriott , Vera Pearce. Jerry Desmonde , Ilena Sylva and Jack Buchanan. Guest artist. Nora Swinburne. With Jane Lee. the Modernaires and the augmented Dance Orchestra, conducted by Stanley Black. Script by Jack Davies. Jnr. Additional dialogue by Denis Waldock. Produced by Henry Reed.
Community hymn-singing from a public school in the Midlands, conducted by Dr. W.K. Stanton.
Organist, J. A. Tatam. (BBC recording). Followed by THE EPILOGUE
Jay Wilbur and his Orchestra