from swing to classics
Today's choice of records is by Norman Claridge
followed by News read at dictation speed for Forces newspapers overseas
Conductor, Kathleen Riddick . John Wills (piano)
followed by the Band of the BEDFORDSHIRE AND
Conductor, Mr. J. B. H. Thorpe
Regimental Marches of the Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire Regiment
Conductor, Alan Crooks
followed by ' MAIL CALL'
This programme is recorded in America and is heard by arrangement with the American Forces Network of the Armed Forces Radio Service
John Blore and his Orchestra. (Recording of the broadcast in the Home Service on April 13)
followed at 11.2 by Sidelights from Today's Papers
(St. Michael and All Angels). God be merciful unto us and bless us (Psalm 67). Praise, my soul, the king of heaven (A.P.B. 95: A. and M. 298, vv. 1, 2, and 4).
(BBC recording)
Weekly magazine for Forces in hospitals everywhere.
at the theatre organ
arranged in collaboration with ENSA. BBC Theatre Orchestra : conductor, Stanford Robinson. From a factory in the Midlands
followed by ' THE OLD TOWN HALL'
Master of Ceremonies. Clay Keyes. Richard Gooiden as ' Old Ebenezer,' with Gladys Keyes as ' Martha,' and the guest star. ' The Beautiful Memory,' ' Can You Beat the Band ? ' ' Clay's Canteen.' etc. Harry Lester 's Hayseeds, Susan Scott. Dick Francis. Richard Gray. and Esther White -house. The Old Town Hall Orchestra, under the direction of Stanley Black. Written by Gladys Keyes. and Clay Keyes.
from the North. Mollie Greenhalgh introduces massed brass bands (conducted by Harry Mortimer ) playing at the Town Hall. Huddersfield. Violet Carson sings at the piano. Songs by the Maia Ladies Choir in St. George's Church. Stockport, with Harold Dawber at the organ. Produced by Arthur Spencer.
For Royal Air Force personnel serving overseas. Flying Officer Roy Rich makes his pick from this month's gramophone records ; also presenting
' News from Dispersal Point' and a famous dance-band leaders' favourite classic
Weekly review of sporting topics, past and present.
Close-ups from the war-fronts of the world.
Conductor, Sidney Beer
Part 1
Weekly commentary on world affairs
Part 2
Spike Hughes 's weekly programme for swing fans
Conducted by Captain S. Rhodes (Director of Music. Scots Guards)
followed by reports from the battlefronts ~^
Records chosen for themselves by ,British Forces serving overseas
(Naval edition). A Home Forces Entertainment for Service men and women in the Mediterranean Area. Orchestra of H.M. Royal Marines (Portsmouth Division), directed by Captain Vivian Dunn, M.V.O. Service artists and guest stars, including Sub-Lieutenant Ronnie Hill, and Alfredo Campoli. 'Double or Quits' quiz, conducted by Lieutenant Harold Warrender, R.N.V.R. Programme introduced by Petty Officer Wren Meg Merrifield, and produced in collaboration with the Personal Services
Department of the Admiralty by David Manderson.
and HOME NEWS FROM BRITAINincluding a newsletter from the' Midlands followed at 8.10 by Home News from Canada cabled from the CBC News Rooms
.read at dictation speed
Doris Arnold is back with the first of a new series of .her popular gramophone programmes
or The Diary of a Schoolmaster. With Clarence Wright , Beryl Riggs. Charles Hawtrey. John Clack , and Billy Nichols. The. Dance Orchestra conducted, and incidental music arranged, by Stanley Black. Script by Max Kester and James Bunting. The show designed by Will Hay . and proaiiced by Alick Haves. (BBC recording)
The secret of the quiet mind as expressed in well-known hymns followed at 9.58 by News Headlines
Conductor. Sir Adrian Boult
Richard CrAn and his Orchestra