Drama series about a young girl and her life in a children's home. Lol is upset when he realises his brother has had secret chats with Sid about moving house.
Children's drama series. Sarah Jane has to make a devastating sacrifice in order to save Earth from the Trickster.
Diddy Dick and Dom live in a pink cupboard. Nobody knows they live there, which is probably just as well!
Historical sketch show based on the successful books. Queen Victoria learns that her British comforts are not British and on 'Axe Factor', contestants try to become executioners. Show more
Children from across the UK talk about their hobbies and passions. Eleven-year-old Robert loves singing. He auditioned for Oliver Twist but did not get in. Show more
Animation. The mummy deercroc is teaching her babies about life. How will the youngest deercroc manage when it's time to show mummy what he has learned? Show more
Drama series about a young girl who is looking for a foster home. Tracy resorts to drastic action in her campaign to persuade Cam to be her foster mum. Show more
Comedy drama. The local heat of Ireland's Got Talent has come to Ballyfermot School. Everyone is excited, but Jack seems unusually quiet. Show more
Comedy drama. Roy has an argument with his mother and runs away from home. When his friends Tommy and Jack learn of his new runaway status, the adventure begins. Show more
Comedy drama. Roy and Becky have been arguing a lot lately and Maura needs some peace and quiet, so Gran and Grandad offer to take the kids away on a camping weekend. Show more
The comic antics of two accident-prone brothers. Paul and Barry are called on to move a skip, and find themselves landed with it for the rest of the day.
Animation. Chef Dennis puts sausage guru Saucisson's taste buds to the test. Can 'Saucisson' identify different types of sausage when blindfolded? Show more
Children's animation. Shaun comes across some newly hatched chicks who think he is their mum. He is determined to get rid of them, but how?