The cartoon adventures of a ten-year-old girl who solves ghoulish mysteries. Miss Gotto falls ill and is replaced by a mysterious substitute teacher. Show more
Drama series about a young girl and her life in a children's home. Justine and Tracy set up the boys as champions to wrestle on their behalf.
Animation featuring rival thumb wrestling teams. It's a dance-off between the samba-prone N Fuego and the Dexteras' own robot, Unit 19G. Show more
Animation. The mummy deercroc is teaching her babies about life. How will the youngest deercroc manage when it's time to show mummy what he has learned? Show more
CBBC joins the Newsround team, keeping young viewers up to date on the latest stories and events happening at home and abroad.
Animation. The Zombie Cats shuffle around in a weird way. They don't do much except moan and groan, but when they hear music they are transformed! Show more