Animated series. Present and future X-Men alike feel the pressure as their situations intensify, with Professor X forced into locating the last remaining mutants. Show more
Animated adventures of Bernard the polar bear. When the vacuum cleaner finishes its work, there's no sign of Bernard's winning lottery ticket.
Sean and Molly continue their search for Molly's old home. They use a badger tunnel to cross a motorway but it starts to rain and the tunnel fills up with water, trapping Sean.
Runaways Sean and Molly befriend an eccentric old man who offers them a lift on his narrowboat, but the mood soon turns hostile when Molly insults him.
Animated series. As Magneto and his Sentinels begin their attack on the city, the X-Men try to take control of the Sentinels, and Professor X reaches Master Mold. Show more
3D animation about a pink owl. The Owl finds itself in the middle of a clay pigeon shoot-out game. Show more
Children from across the UK talk about their interests, hobbies and passions. Eleven-year-old Joshua mends things, from computers to the garden gate. Show more
Fairy tales with a twist. Sleeping Beauty is not only under a sleeping spell for a hundred years, but has now developed the dangerous habit of sleepwalking. Show more