Animated adventures of the polar bear. Once he has found his equipment, Bernard sets off to climb the highest peak. But it gets trickier the closer he gets to the top. Show more
Puppet animation featuring two rival thumb wrestling teams. The commissioner's efforts to foster civility can't withstand this chemical reaction. Show more
3D animation about a pink owl. The Owl thinks it can get rid of a dung beetle from its branch with a simple kick. Show more
Children's entertainment presented by Barney Harwood. Prankster Liz creates her own soap opera when she pranks her best mate at a lousy launderette.
Adventures with the pint-sized crimebuster. Napoleon Blownapart blows up statues in the park. Hugo A Go Go makes a box that sends people backwards. Show more
3D animation about a pink owl. When it starts raining apples, Owl decides to brave the downpour and find out what this strange storm is all about.