The adventures of Corneil, an intelligent dog who hides his genius from everyone except dog-sitter Bernie. Corneil is staying with Bernie, but has trouble settling in. Show more
Children from across the UK talk about their interests and passions. Emily loves everything Japanese, discovering it through the film Spirited Away. Show more
The keepers at Port Lypmne and Howletts wild animal parks help explain everything about forty of the world's most exotic animals. Show more
Children's entertainment with the angry young man. William fakes an injury to skip work, and Alistair is 'volunteered' to take over as paperboy. Show more
Children's entertainment with the angry young man. Granny is having her photograph taken for her 70th birthday. She wants all the family in it, except Alistair. Show more
Children's entertainment with the angry youngster. Alistair tries to hypnotise his brother and sister into being slaves in an effort to prove that they are crazy. Show more
Children's entertainment with the angry young man. When William falls in love and his school work suffers, Alistair becomes the brainy one in the family. Show more
Action snippets from the children's fantasy game show. Can the warriors avoid the deadly gaze of Nevar's Eye?
Children from across the UK talk about their interests and passions. The biggest problem in Jake's life is dog poo. He believes it affects children badly. Show more