Animated adventures with the metal-winged crimebuster. Hugo A Go Go robs the city's heliport. Big Ears Ernie's ears can hear a squad car from miles away. Show more
Diddy Dick and Dom live in a pink cupboard. Nobody knows they live there, which is probably just as well!
Animated adventures of a polar bear. Museums contain thousands of priceless exhibits carefully preserved for hundreds of years - until Bernard pays a visit! Show more
Animation about ten-year-old twins Wayne and Lucien Cramp - brothers who are complete opposites of one another. The twins are made to work at a supermarket.
3D animation. As the Owl hunts down a worm, two elevator doors open in the tree trunk and the worm gets away.
Diddy Dick and Dom live in a pink cupboard. Nobody knows they live there, which is probably just as well!
Action from the rival thumb wrestling teams. Vini Vidi does battle with sinister Flashback. Show more
The adventures of Corneil, a super-intelligent dog who hides his genius from everyone but his chum Bernie. Mrs Hamber visits with her dog, who is identical to Corneil.