Animated adventures of Bernard the Polar Bear. Bernard has trouble with revolving doors. Show more
Children's entertainment with the Chuckle Brothers. Paul and Barry are led on a wild panda chase as their furry friend goes in search of a Chinese meal.
Animated adventures of Bernard the polar bear. Zack tries to steal a parcel which Bernard is carrying. At first he succeeds, but Bernard doesn't give up that easily.
Topical news magazine for children.
Topical news magazine for children.
Series about a young girl who solves ghoulish mysteries. Fang's fleas infest the whole house. When the fleas begin to feast on Mona, Dad takes drastic action.
Animation about ten-year-old twins Wayne and Lucien Cramp, brothers who are complete opposites of one another. Lucien enters a beauty pageant. Show more
Topical news magazine for children.