Michelle Dawes presents music, travel and weather information to get your day started.
Bags of personality and up-to-the-minute news, weather and travel for the West Midlands.
Champion of the West Midlands and the Black Country, and your views on today's stories.
Join Caroline Martin for your weekday lunchtime calls and stories.
You never know what will happen next, but it's guaranteed to put a smile on your face.
With a comprehensive round-up of the day's news and sport plus travel news.
Have your say on the West Midlands' biggest football phone-in with Paul Franks. Show more
The week’s big sporting talking points, and looking ahead to the weekend's action.
BBC Radio WM Documentary
Birmingham Pub Bombings - 40 Years On: Birmingham Pub Bombings: 40 Years On
1 hour on BBC WM 95.6
Available for over a year
A special documentary presented by Adrian Goldberg on the 40th Anniversary of the Birmingham Pub Bombings.
Mark finds out about squibbing as part of the Bridgwater Christmas lights switch on in Somerset and the job vancacy in Coventry which has taken nine months to fill.
Colin Young plays soul, funk and disco from the mid 1970s to the early 1980s. Show more
Dedications and messages to friends and family with Tracey Ward.
BBC WM 95.6 joins BBC Radio 5 live.