Daz Hale presents music, travel and weather information to get you started on your day.
Bags of personality and up-to-the-minute news, weather and travel for the West Midlands.
Getting reaction from a major factory fire in the Black Country. More than 75 firefighters are tackling the blaze at a Chemical Plant in the Langley area of Oldbury. Show more
A global campaign to end domestic violence against women starts this week. She’ll talk to survivors and wants to speak to men & women who’ve been victims AND perpetrators of abuse
Shane O'Connor sits in. You never know what will happen next, but it will make you smile.
With a comprehensive round-up of the day's news and sport plus travel news.
The West Midlands Football Phone-In
Villa, Blues and Wolves in trouble? Baggies Flying High
1 hour on BBC WM 95.6
Have your say on the West Midlands' biggest football phone-in with Paul Franks.
A mixture of news and sport for the West Midlands.
Late night conversation and great music with Graham Torrington.
BBC WM joins BBC Radio 5 live.