The Doctor confronts an army of old enemies, and Amy battles a Cyberman. And then the Pandorica opens...
Behind the scenes of Doctor Who. The crew film on the ancient site of Stonehenge and take the ride of their lives to discover the true origin of the Pandorica. Show more
Makeover series. Mum Tracy from Preston is concerned that daughter Paris, 15, is giving the wrong impression with cutaway dresses which expose more than mum thinks she should. Show more
Series about Humberside Police's custody suite. Sgt Dave Beer babysits two girls - one arrested for assault, the other for threatening to set fire to her care worker's hair. Show more
Documentary about a woman's return to Afghanistan, where she discovers a world of violence against women and gains a new understanding of why her family decided to leave. Show more
It is the grand opening of the B&B, and Zainab is horrified to discover the identity of Kim's first customer. Meanwhile, Heather reaches a decision about George's future. Show more
Comedy-drama series about a werewolf, a vampire and a ghost. Herrick is back, but is he megalomaniac vampire or defenceless victim? His life hangs in the balance. Show more
Animated comedy about family life. After a 'wardrobe malfunction' is broadcast live and the FCC begins to censor Peter's favourite TV shows, he creates his own station. Show more
Animated comedy about family life. Brian's college dropout status haunts him after he lands a job at the New Yorker, so he decides to get his degree. Show more
Series about Humberside Police's custody suite. Sgt Dave Beer babysits two girls - one arrested for assault, the other for threatening to set fire to her care worker's hair. Show more
Makeover series. Mum Tracy from Preston is concerned that daughter Paris, 15, is giving the wrong impression with cutaway dresses which expose more than mum thinks she should. Show more
For four weeks, Zoe Salmon eats pre-packaged, processed foods labelled low or lower in fat, finds out what's in them and how they affect her moods, nutritional levels and weight. Show more
Documentary about a woman's return to Afghanistan, where she discovers a world of violence against women and gains a new understanding of why her family decided to leave. Show more
Documentary using visual effects and CGI to examine the effects of cannabis, revealing whether it is addictive, if it destroys our memories and if it can lead to psychosis. Show more
Behind the scenes of Doctor Who. The crew film on the ancient site of Stonehenge and take the ride of their lives to discover the true origin of the Pandorica. Show more
Comedy-drama series about a werewolf, a vampire and a ghost. Herrick is back, but is he megalomaniac vampire or defenceless victim? His life hangs in the balance. Show more