Fantasy drama. After an enigmatic man is wounded while risking his life to protect Arthur, he is brought back to Camelot, where he proceeds to cause trouble for Merlin. Show more
Who is the sinister and mysterious Victor Kennedy, and why is he so keen to find the Doctor?
Stevie wakes up in the arms of an unusual stranger. Naz tries to avoid confrontation, but when she turns up at Sol's rehearsal things go more than a little pear-shaped. Show more
Cherry Chadwyck-Healey explores women's attitudes to alcohol, how their tastes change through their lives and why women get bad press for their drunken behaviour. Show more
An overjoyed Alfie welcomes Michael into his home, but why is an unhappy Kat demanding he leave Walford for good? Carol starts to prepare for Billie's birthday homecoming. Show more
Becky's parents are coming round to fix the fridge. Steve hasn't met them before, and he's terrified. Show more
Animated comedy about family life. Peter tries to train Chris to be more responsible, only to end up coaching Cleveland Jr for a forthcoming golf tournament. Show more
Animated comedy. Brian volunteers as a police drug-sniffing dog but ends up getting hooked on cocaine and enters rehab. Peter tags along for a free holiday. Show more
Cherry Chadwyck-Healey explores women's attitudes to alcohol, how their tastes change through their lives and why women get bad press for their drunken behaviour. Show more
Becky's parents are coming round to fix the fridge. Steve hasn't met them before, and he's terrified. Show more
Stevie wakes up in the arms of an unusual stranger. Naz tries to avoid confrontation, but when she turns up at Sol's rehearsal things go more than a little pear-shaped. Show more
Documentary which follows six young British people and their families in the lead up to their end-of-school celebrations, giving a snapshot of the transition into adulthood. Show more
Documentary in which Cherry Healey travels the country to meet women of different ages who have almost nothing in common except that they are all getting married. Show more
Jenny Frost makes-under Playboy Bunny wannabe Cassey Ann and a Captain Jack Sparrow look-alike, and transforms Michelle Heaton from a girly girl into a womanly woman. Show more
Documentary which follows six young British people and their families in the lead up to their end-of-school celebrations, giving a snapshot of the transition into adulthood. Show more