With feisty femme Kat Moon (
Jessie Wallace ) back in the Square, this show takes a took at what's underneath the lippie and high heels. Is she as tough as she makes out?
with Dr Tanya Byron How have the Hadleys, the Murphys and single mother of two Michelle dealt with the problems of lost confidence, anger, dejection and isolation that faced them at the beginning of their stay in the sanctuary?
7/10: series two. Lorraine and Simon [text removed] feel they're losing control of their family. Their youngest, three-year-old Chelsey, runs rings around Lorraine, while Simon complains his 15-year-old stepdaughter Jessica has no respect for him. The situation is made worse by Simon's long working hours and Lorraine's reluctance to spend her free time with the kids.
Shown at 8pm on BBCl
1/6; series two.
Vicky Pollard goes shoplifting, while Judy and Maggie judge jams at the village fete.
6/6: series one.
Janet worries that she may be pregnant.
1/6 series two. Gaz reacts in horror to Donna's hints that she might be pregnant.