The contestants' body language is analysed by Judi James , while more celebrities endorse their particular favourites. With Joe Mace.
Has the screaming subsided or are the toddler tantrums continuing? Find out in the latest update from the sanctuary where the three families are liaising with Tanya Byron to find solutions to their child-based woes. New.
10/10. With debts totalling £13,000, 23-year-old actor
Ahmet Ahmet is discovering that the insecurity of life on the stage doesn't mix well with his love of eating out and a passion for fine attire. Lifestyle expert Jay Hunt shows Ahmet that he can dine and dress for much less while psychological coach Benjamin Fry delves into his Turkish-Cypriot background in search of clues to explain his spending. New.
Shown at 7.30pm on BBC1 (AD)
The growth of gun crime, its causes and its disastrous effects for Britain's black communities are the focus of this documentary highlighting the case of seven-year-old Toni-Ann Byfield and her father, murdered in a north London bedsit in 2003. New.
2/6 Is the atmosphere thawing for Jacqui and Tony as their big day draws near? And will Michelle and Susanah ever make it down the aisle?