with the Rev Jamesjones.
Good Morning UK!
A daily briefing of news, travel, weather and sport as well as the music of your lifetime.
with dedications and requests.
Including at 10.00 Pick of the Hits
talks to the people who make the news.
Including at 2.30 the star guest interview. Plus Three at 3.00: three records on a special theme.
Today and for the rest of the week, two chances to take part in Ed Stewart 's Accumulator Quiz, with a weekly prizewinner and a monthly champion.
Answers, Please
● WRITE to: John Dunn Show, BBC Radio 2. Broadcasting House. London W I A 4WW
starring Jimmy Cricket. With Jimmy's cricket team: Bill Pertwee , Peter Goodwright and Noreen Kershaw.
Producer Mike Craig
Katie Boyle introduces a weekly magazine programme for animal lovers of all ages: advice, news, discussion, music. Producer Roy Oakshott
A weekly chance to hear again last year's series dealing with major issues. Living with Homosexuality
Claire Rayner looks at the different problems faced by gay people and their families. She talks to the parents of lesbian and gay children, as well as to gay parents and their children and to homosexuals themselves.
Producer John Gurnett (Revised rpt)
Mae West
(c 1892-1980)
Michael Alexander profiles the "Queen of the Single Entendre" who became a screen legend by sending up sex sky-high. Also featuring Cary Grant and W C Fields.
Producer Anthony Wills
In an eight-part sequel to Broadway Babes,
Sheridan Morley looks at the all-singing, all-dancing male stars from the golden age of the American stage musical.
7: Character Men
Zero Mostel, Richard Kiley and Anthony Quinn.
Producer David Rayvern Allen
Derek and Ellen Jameson with good music, late-night interviews with the famous and infamous and topical conversation.
Including the What's That Noise? quiz at 10.45 and a preview of tomorrow's press at 11.45.
Digby Fairweather talks to George Melly.
with Night Ride Music to keep you company through the early hours.
And at 3.00-4.00
A Little Night Music
Including at 1.30, 3.30 Pause for Thought with Rev Frank Topping.
The Early Show
Easy-listening music to start the day.
6.15 Pause for Thought with Susannah York