plus today, your legal problems answered by Bill Thomas
asks, 'Can you measure up to the Mystery Voice competition?', and offers a final thought for Friday: 'The suit he offered me was too loud, so I turned it down.' Producers PHIL HUGHES CAROLYN SMYTH and NEIL GEORGE
says Thanks for the Memory Producer PETER HOARE
recorded at the Sands Centre, Carlisle. Robin Stapleton conducts the BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra leader GEOFFREY TRABICHOFF Friday Night's Star Singers Penelope Walmsley-Clark and John Brecknock with Rostal and Schaefer (two pianos)
Introduced by Mary Marquis With music from Der
Rosenkavalier, Lohengrin, Rigoletto, The Count of Luxembourg, Jesus Christ
Superstar and Fiddler on the Roof.
Producer DAVID RAYVERN ALLEN (Given in association with Carlisle City Council)
Intermission Serenade
A musical interlude provided by Nocturnal Triangle, who are John Whelan (flute) Judd Procter (guitar) David Daniels (cello) Producer TIM MCDONALD
Nigel Ogden introduces music, news and views from the popular organ world. Producer ROBERT NOAKES BBC Manchester
by Gerald Frow
with Dr Evadne Hinge and Dame Hilda Bracket
Dame Hilda just cannot resist animals - and when she meets one as friendly as Modestine, well.... Dr Hinge, however, is not won over so easily.
finds out where the custard pies are flying this weekend and why windsurfers strive to do it standing up.
Frances Donnelly brings a touch of sanity with her paperback review and Anna Morrell keeps you in touch with the nation's theatres.... and, of course, there's plenty of great music.
Turn on and tune in ... Producer STUART HOBDAY BBC Bristol
presents Nightride with music and company to speed away the dark hours
The Early Show