at 1.45 Sports Desk
from the special studio at the Ideal Home Exhibition. Earls Court. with guest Star of the Week Vince Hill including at
2.45, 3.45 Sports Desk
with David Symonds at 4.45, 5.45 Sports Desk
at 6.45 Sports Desk
Charlie Chester introduces brass and military music featuring the Grimethorpe Colliery Band conductor RAY PARR
Producer PETER PILBEAM BBC Manchester
with Dance Band Days Producer JACK DABBS
Talking about his life and work
Hoagy Carmichael whose compositions include: ' Stardust
'Rocking chair ', ' Old buttermilk sky
' Lazybones ', ' The old music master Two sleepy people Lazy river Georgia ', ' Small fry ', ' One morning in May'.
Written and presented by Peter Clayton. Producer JOHN BILLINGHAM
The comedy game that's been described as a rodeo show. Bucking each other up Don Maclean Tony Peers
Mike Newman
Jimmy Marshall In the saddle
Lance Percival
Scriptrider GRAHAM DEYKIN with the rodeo producer DANNY GREENSTONE
says Be My Guest puts on a record or two, and is reminded They're Playing Our Song.
Producer PHYLLIS ROBINSON (Gemma Craven is in ' They're Playing Our
Song ' at the Shajtesbury Theatre, London)
presents Round Midnight Radio 2's arts magazine including at
12.0 Midnight Newsroom
with Bill Rennells