with The Early Show including at 6.15
Pause for Thought
including at 8.27 Racing Bulletin and at 8.45
Pause for Thought
including at 10.3*
Waggoners' Walk NW
Including at 1.15
Today's Story read by PATRICIA HAYES The Golden Mop
2: If You Try Hard Enough written by ERIK ROSMAN
Introduced by Michael Baguley
Woman of the Year Luncheon: MARY REOCLIFFE reports
Meantime - Greenwich: HARRY BARTON also eats in high places Reading Your Letters
I am Not Yet Born - Help me: and that help comes from Ulster's leading genetic counsellor, DR NORMAN NEVIN
The Theatrical Mask: JAMES YOUNG knows how much people need laughter in the face of tragedy - and never fails them ROBERT TROTTER reads Tour to the Hebrides by JAMES BOSWELL (7)
Music for your afternoon and today's Sporting Clue also including at 4.15
Waggoners' Walk NW (Repeated: Wed, 10.30 am) and at 4.31 Sports Desk
Producer PAM COX
Don Davis invites listeners by telephone to join in the national game of naming the tune Prizes for all who know their music
Devised by DON DAVIS
with The Best of Jazz on record Producer KEITH STEWART
(1500m only. VHF joins Radio 1 at 10.0)
(1500m only) with Keith Fordyce , featuring ROY BUDD AND HIS ORCHESTRA JUST FOUR
Introduced by Tony Myatt