John Dunn with resident bands, singers, discs
Band of the day: TONY OSBORNE plus news, weather, and traffic
DAVID KOSSOFF talking to Roy Trevivian
There's Ways and Means by SYDNEY ROBINSON
Tuesday afternoon's broadcast
presents music with the
Introduced by Marjorie Anderson
Guest of the Week: Lady Allen of Hurtwood
You might call it rubbish!: Kay Evans talks to Michael Turner about the possible historical significance of a collection of print from the past
Answer and Comment
By Chance: how much has a chance or even a chance remark altered your life? The question considered by Margaret Thatcher, M.P., Jackie Gillott, William Sansom, and George Melly
Phyllida Law reads Dolly and the Singing Bird by Dorothy Halliday
Eighth of fifteen instalments
Written by Barbara Clegg
with Brian Matthew
News, views, and music
Produced by Frank Salter
with Album Time a review of the current popular record releases Produced by Jack Dabbs
Radio Newsroom brings you what's news tonight followed by Comment
Derek Cooper
A radio line-up of comedy and song with Kenneth Connor
Dorothy Wayne
KEN MOULE AND HIS MUSIC and the man of the title
Ray Fell
Script written by GEORGE EVANS and DEREK COLLYER
Produced by JOHN BROWELL
Kenneth Connor Is In ' The Four Musketeers ' at the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane. London
I Hate Christmas by Delores Baron
With no great display of seasonal goodwill, a divided family finds itself unexpectedly united.
Produced by R. D. SMITH
AND HIS ORCHESTRA with songs from compere BENNY LEE
Master of Ceremonies, GEORGE WATKINS
Produced by Barbara Page