The early breakfast show.
Eric brings you all the news from across the county.
Jim Hawkins
Gordon Brown heads through London sunshine to Buckingham Palace. Excited, interested or bored by what this’ll mean?
3 hours on BBC Radio Shropshire
What do you want to hear candidates talking about – or not? Telford and Wrekin Senior Citizens’ Forum have already arranged their Election Special as Jim learned when chatting to Anne-Marie Davies.
How long do you wait if you have arranged to meet someone and they don't turn up ?
Why did you last miss an appointment ? What excuse did you give ? Show more
Clare talks to animal communication expert Pea Horsley about her new book 'Heart to Heart'. Plus town cryer Peter Taughton tells you all about how you can become a town cryer for the day. Show more
Entertainment and all the day's news.
Local sports news, views, events and music too.
The ideal end to your day. Join the conversation on 0845 303 9303. Show more
BBC Shropshire joins BBC Radio 5 Live.