Topical comedy panel show. Host Des Clarke is joined by comedian and performance poet Phill Jupitus, journalist Libby Brooks and comedians Stuart Mitchell and Keir MacAllister.
Sarah Mack sits in for Fiona Stalker and offers inspiration and insight into what is happening across Scotland as the weekend approaches. Includes gardening and weather news. Show more
Award-winning Scottish folk singer Emily Smith takes Phil Cunningham on a musical journey as they discuss her songs and her many influences. Show more
Another Country with Ricky Ross
New and Classic Country and Americana
1 hour, 55 minutes on BBC Radio Scotland Extra
Ricky Ross introduces new and classic Americana and alternative country, plus he plays the Country Connections of Old Crow Medicine Show.
Stephen Duffy has a top recommendation from Jamie Cullum, plus two more tips from DJ and contemporary jazz connoisseur Rebecca Vasmant. Show more
Billy Sloan presents rock and pop music from Scotland and the world, plus he plays the first part of his interview with supergroup FFS, featuring Franz Ferdinand and Sparks. Show more
BBC Radio Scotland joins BBC Radio 5 live.