Christopher Evans entertains the nation. Including news and travel updates. Fax the studio on Localrate [number removed].
Hear the very best music from the 80s, 90s and present day in the 11.33.
has Radio l's music fest plus the Newsbeat Entertainment
Transmission at 1.15.
Present your thoughts to Mr Campbell , or make a suggestion for his Teasingly Topical Triple Tracker by phoning the studio for free on [number removed].
with the Chart Hour from 4.00.
Steve Lamacq and Jo Whiley introduce new live music.
Radio 1 wraps up the world of film, including on-set reports, video recommendations, and a guest choosing their favourite film in A Night in Casablanca.
Mark Radcliffe is joined by his perennial pal - the Boy Lard.
with the first look at the day's headlines and new music.