Mark's musical breakfast includes Dianne Oxberry with up-to-the-minute news, weather and travel reports.
6.40 and 8.15 the Identik-
Hit Quiz. 8.45 On This Day in History. Plus, between
7.15 and 7.45, your chance to vote for the Chartbeater on 0891 33345 - adding a number between 1 and 8 for your favourite song. Results at 7.50.
The Golden Hour with hits and headlines from two mystery years.
With the Cool Cuts Chart, the week's Essential New
Tune, the 20-minute non-stop Mad Music Sweep.
Claire Sturgess with the UK's top Heavy Rock Show.
In session Farnborough's indie favourites Mega City Four, and Sebadoh, the post-modern folk-core adventurers from Massachusetts.