Naidheachdan ionadail, nàiseanta is eadar-nàiseanta gach madainn. Local, national and international news each morning.
Dè an doigh as fheàrr air clann a bhrosachadh gus a dhol dhan sgoil gu cunbhalach? How can children be encouraged to attend school regularly? Show more
Tha i beachdail, tha i beòthail agus tha i feitheamh ribh le taghadh ciùil. Morag MacDonald presents her great choice of traditional Gaelic music.
Naidheachdan, còmhradh, spòrs, ceòl agus fealla-dhà. Le Emma NicLaomainn. News, chat, sport, music and entertainment. With Emma Lamont. Show more
Ceòl Gàidhealach 's Ceilteach agus fiosrachadh air na tha dol agaibhse, le Seonag Monk. Gaelic and Celtic music and a round-up of what's on. Post-d -
Mìcheal Steele le taghadh de cheòl na pìoba à Alba is bho air feadh an t-saoghail. Michael Steele presents a selection of pipe music from Scotland and around the world. Show more
Naidheachdan nàiseanta is ionadail o Dhiluain gu Dihaoine. National and local news from Monday to Friday.
Ceòl, fealla-dhà agus sùil air spòrs ionadail, nàiseanta agus eadar-nàiseanta. Music and entertainment with Derek 'Pluto' Murray along with his Musical Links. Tweet @DerekPluto.
Seusan na h-iomain le Dòmhnall MacLaomainn, Eòghan Stiùbhart is Somhairle MacThòmais. Donald Lamont, Eòghan Stewart and Somhairle Thomson discuss the new shinty season.
Mo Chuairt Chiùil
Shona Nic a' Mhaoilein
1 hour, 30 minutes on BBC Radio nan Gàidheal
Available for 8 months
Sùil air na h-òrain agus air a' cheòl a tha air buaidh a thoirt air Shona Nic a' Mhaoilein. A look at the songs and music that have influenced this week's guest, Shona Macmillan. Show more
Naidheachdan, còmhradh, spòrs, ceòl agus fealla-dhà. Le Emma NicLaomainn. News, chat, sport, music and entertainment. With Emma Lamont. Show more
Dè an doigh as fheàrr air clann a bhrosachadh gus a dhol dhan sgoil gu cunbhalach? How can children be encouraged to attend school regularly? Show more
Tha BBC Radio nan Gaidheal mar BBC Radio Alba.
BBC Radio nan Gaidheal joins BBC Radio Scotland.