Naidheachdan ionadail, nàiseanta is eadar-nàiseanta gach madainn. Local, national and international news each morning.
Sùil air colbhan-beachd nam pàipearan-naidheachd bhon deireadh-sheachdain. Guests review some of the weekend's newspaper columns. Show more
Tha i beachdail, tha i beòthail agus tha i feitheamh ribh le taghadh ciùil. Morag MacDonald presents her great choice of traditional Gaelic music.
Naidheachdan, còmhradh, spòrs, ceòl agus fealla-dhà. News, chat, sport, music and entertainment. Show more
Ceòl Gàidhealach 's Ceilteach agus fiosrachadh air na tha dol agaibhse gach feasgar. Gaelic and Celtic music and a round-up of what's on. Post-d -
Chuala Mi
Sgeulachdan Dhòmhnaill Phàdraig
30 minutes on BBC Radio nan Gàidheal
Available for 10 months
'S iad sgeulachdan Dhòmhnaill Phàdraig à Aileag a thagh Jo NicMhèinn às an tasglann. Joanna MacMinn chooses a programme from the archives to mark 100 years of Gaelic broadcasting. Show more
Fàilt' air an Dùthaich
le Marie NicMhathain
57 minutes on BBC Radio nan Gàidheal
Available for 10 months
Marie NicMhathain le taghadh de cheòl dùthchail sean is ùr bho Kitty Wells, Breland agus gu leòr eile.
Songs from Kitty Wells, Breland and many more, with Marie Matheson. Show more
Naidheachdan nàiseanta is ionadail o Dhiluain gu Dihaoine. National and local news from Monday to Friday.
Ceòl, fealla-dhà agus sùil air spòrs ionadail, nàiseanta agus eadar-nàiseanta. Music and entertainment with Derek 'Pluto' Murray along with his Musical Links. Tweet @DerekPluto.
le Eilidh NicDhòmhnaill agus Mark Mac a' Ghobhainn
2 hours on BBC Radio nan Gàidheal
Available for 10 months
Lana Pheutan ag innse cò ris a tha e coltach a bhith air an àrd-ùrlar aig Celtic Connections. Lana Beaton tells us what it's like to be on stage at Celtic Connections. Show more
Naidheachdan, còmhradh, spòrs, ceòl agus fealla-dhà. News, chat, sport, music and entertainment. Show more
Sùil air colbhan-beachd nam pàipearan-naidheachd bhon deireadh-sheachdain. Guests review some of the weekend's newspaper columns. Show more
Tha BBC Radio nan Gaidheal mar BBC Radio Alba.
BBC Radio nan Gaidheal joins BBC Radio Scotland.