Naidheachdan ionadail, nàiseanta is eadar-nàiseanta gach madainn. Local, national and international news each morning.
Còmhradh, deasbad, cultur agus cur-seachadan. Conversation, discussion, culture and lifestyle.
Tha i beachdail, tha i beòthail agus tha i feitheamh ribh le taghadh ciùil. Morag MacDonald presents her great choice of traditional Gaelic music.
Naidheachdan, còmhradh, spòrs, ceòl agus fealla-dhà. News, chat, sport, music and entertainment.
Ceòl Gàidhealach 's Ceilteach agus fiosrachadh air na tha dol agaibhse gach feasgar. Gaelic and Celtic music and a round-up of what's on. Post-d - Show more
Eòghann MacEunraig le taghadh de cheòl na pìoba. Ewen Henderson presents a selection of pipe music. Show more
Naidheachdan nàiseanta is ionadail o Dhiluain gu Dihaoine. National and local news from Monday to Friday.
Dè cho cudromach 's a tha an ainm Ealasaid do dhaoine? How important is it to be called Elizabeth? Show more
Ceòl, fealla-dhà agus sùil air spòrs ionadail, nàiseanta agus eadar-nàiseanta. Music and entertainment with Derek Pluto Murray along with his Musical Links. Tweet @DerekPluto Show more
Carina NicLeòid ag innse mun chuideachadh a tha a bhith ri spòrs air toirt air a slàinte. Carina MacLeod tells Eileen MacDonald how sport and exercise have improved her health. Show more
Cuirm ann an Gàidhlig, Gaeilge agus Cuimris bho Celtic Connections 2022. Kathleen MacInnes presents a special concert 'Mother Tongue' from Celtic Connections 2022. Show more
Naidheachdan, còmhradh, spòrs, ceòl agus fealla-dhà. News, chat, sport, music and entertainment.
Còmhradh, deasbad, cultur agus cur-seachadan. Conversation, discussion, culture and lifestyle.
Tha BBC Radio nan Gaidheal mar BBC Radio Alba.
BBC Radio nan Gaidheal joins BBC Radio Scotland.