Naidheachdan ionadail, nàiseanta is eadar-nàiseanta gach madainn.
Local, national and international news each morning.
Còmhstri eadar a' cheann-suidhe agus ceannard nan dùbhlanach ann am Venezuela. What is behind the strife and conflict between the president and opposition leader of Venezuela? Show more
Tha i beachdail, tha i beòthail agus tha i feitheamh ribh le taghadh ciùil. Morag is presenting her great choice of traditional Gaelic music.
Seòl Dhòmhnaill
Dòmhnall Meek aig mullach a shòlais an Cambridge
30 minutes on BBC Radio nan Gàidheal
Dòmhnall Meek a' beachdachadh air an iomadh gaoth a shèid ann an seòl a bheatha.
Prof Donald Meek examines the twists and turns his life has taken, personally and academically. Show more
Beachd air a' phrògram telebhisean ùr Planet Child a tha sgrùdadh saorsa chloinne.
Thoughts on Planet Child, a new documentary investigating children and freedom of choices. Show more
Ceòl Gàidhealach 's Ceilteach agus fiosrachadh air na tha dol agaibhse gach feasgar. Gaelic and Celtic music and a round-up of what's on. Post-d - Show more
Catrìona NicNèill le taghadh de cheòl na pìoba. Catrìona MacNeil presents a selection of pipe music.
Naidheachdan nàiseanta is ionadail o Dhiluain gu Dihaoine. National and local news from Monday to Friday.
Siubhal gu Seachd le Pluto
Derek Pluto Moireach le ceòl agus fealla-dhà
1 hour, 30 minutes on BBC Radio nan Gàidheal
Ceòl, spòrs agus fealla-dhà air ar slighe dhachaigh còmhla ri Derek Moireach. Entertainment and the latest sports news with Derek Pluto Murray. Tweet @DerekPluto Show more
Na h-òrain as fheàrr bho na bliadhnaichean a dh'fhalbh eadar 7-8f agus uair a thìde de cheòl dannsa aig 8f. Throwback tunes from 7pm and an hour of new dance tracks from 8pm. Show more
Còmhstri eadar a' cheann-suidhe agus ceannard nan dùbhlanach ann am Venezuela. What is behind the strife and conflict between the president and opposition leader of Venezuela? Show more
Seòl Dhòmhnaill
Dòmhnall Meek aig mullach a shòlais an Cambridge
30 minutes on BBC Radio nan Gàidheal
Dòmhnall Meek a' beachdachadh air an iomadh gaoth a shèid ann an seòl a bheatha.
Prof Donald Meek examines the twists and turns his life has taken, personally and academically. Show more
Catrìona NicNèill le taghadh de cheòl na pìoba. Catrìona MacNeil presents a selection of pipe music.
Tha BBC Radio nan Gaidheal a-nis mar BBC Radio Alba.
BBC Radio nan Gaidheal joins BBC Radio Scotland.