Aig an àm seo bidh Radio nan Gàidheal a' toirt thugaibh Radio Alba. Radio nan Gaidheal joins Radio Scotland until 7.30am.
Naidheachdan ionadail, nàiseanta is eadar - nàiseanta gach madainn. Local, national and international news each morning.
Geàrr-chunntas air naidheachdan an là. A summary of the day's headlines.
Dè an diofar a nì e 850 millean not a chosg air Ionad St James ann an Dùn Èideann? What benefits will the £850 million revamp to St James Centre bring to Edinburgh? Show more
Geàrr-chunntas air naidheachdan an là. A summary of the day's headlines.
Tha i beachdail, tha i beòthail agus tha i feitheamh ribh le taghadh ciùil. Feuch gum bi sibh ann! Join Morag for lively banter and great choice of traditional Gaelic music. Show more
Geàrr-chunntas air naidheachdan an là. A summary of the day's headlines.
Sgeulachd beatha a' chluicheadar tennis Elena Baltacha a chaochail an t-seachdain 'sa. A profile of the tennis player Elena Baltacha who died this week. Show more
Tha an t-Ollamh Dòmhnall Meek a' toirt sùìl air an leabhar, An t-Òranaiche. Professor Donald Meek reviews An t-Òranaiche - a collection of Gaelic songs. Show more
Geàrr-chunntas air naidheachdan an là. A summary of the day's headlines.
Ceòl Ceilteach agus fiosrachadh air dè a tha dol agaibhse le Mairead Nic Illinnein. Celtic music and a round-up of what's on with Mairead Maclennan. Show more
Geàrr-chunntas air naidheachdan an là. A summary of the day's headlines.
Patsi NicChoinnich le taghadh bhon chlàr is fheàrr le Iagan MacNèill. Patsi Mackenzie is joined by John MacNeill, who chats about The Saw Doctors' CD, All the Way from Tuam. Show more
Naidheachdan nàiseanta is ionadail o Dhiluain gu Dihaoine. National and local news from Monday to Friday.
Bidh Derek Pluto Moireach a' cur na prosbaig air òrain is tachartasan bho bhliadhna shònraichte. Derek Murray with some outstanding tracks and notable events from a chosen year. Show more
An ceòl as ùire agus an cràic as fheàrr le Emma NicAonghais. The best music and chat with Emma MacInnes.
Geàrr-chunntas air naidheachdan an là. A summary of the day's headlines.
Dè an diofar a nì e 850 millean not a chosg air Ionad St James ann an Dùn Èideann? What benefits will the £850 million revamp to St James Centre bring to Edinburgh? Show more
Tha an t-Ollamh Dòmhnall Meek a' toirt sùìl air an leabhar, An t-Òranaiche. Professor Donald Meek reviews An t-Òranaiche - a collection of Gaelic songs. Show more
Patsi NicChoinnich le taghadh bhon chlàr is fheàrr le Iagan MacNèill. Patsi Mackenzie is joined by John MacNeill, who chats about The Saw Doctors' CD, All the Way from Tuam. Show more
Aig an àm seo bidh Radio nan Gàidheal a' toirt thugaibh Radio Alba. Radio nan Gaidheal joins Radio Scotland until 7.30am.
Aig an àm seo bidh Radio nan Gàidheal a' toirt thugaibh Radio Alba. Radio nan Gaidheal joins Radio Scotland until 7.30am.