Domhnall Moireasdan agus Seumas Domhnallach le naidheachdan ionadail, naiseanta is eadar-naiseanta gach madainn. Donald Morrison and James MacDonald with the morning news.
Naidheachdan. News.
Comhradh, conaltradh agus cnuasachadh gach la. Daily debate and discussion with Kenny MacIver.
Naidheachdan. News.
Tha Morag Dhomhnallach a toirt thugaibh taghadh ciuil agus a beachdan air cuspairean an latha. Morag MacDonald's great choice of music and lively banter.
Naidheachdan. News.
Naidheachdan, deasbad, ceol, is cur-seachad aig am bidh. Lunchtime news, debate, music and entertainment.
1/1 Cuid de mhuinntir Steòrnabhaigh ag innse sgeulachd seann Playhouse a' bhaile. To coincide with the Royal National Mod in Stornoway, locals recall the town's old film theatre.
Naidheachdan. News.
Ceol Ceilteach agus fiosrachadh air na tha dol agaibhse gach feasgar. Celtic music and what's on.
Naidheachdan. News.
Ceol Duthchail comhla ri Iain Costello MacIomhair. The best of country music introduced by Iain Costello MacIver.
Padraig MacAmhlaigh a' toirt thugaibh naidheachdan naiseanta is ionadail an la. Peter Macaulay with national and local news of the day.
Ceol, fiosrachadh agus fealla-dha air ur slighe dhachaigh. Entertainment and the latest news to see you home.
Tha litir bheag na seachdain aig Ruaraidh MacIllEathain. This week's short letter for learners is introduced by Ruaraidh MacLean.
Ciamar a bheireadh tusa breab do Rapal? Gach seachdain, gheibh aon neach og an cothrom. How would you shake up Rapal? Each week one young person gets the chance to do so.
Comhradh, conaltradh agus cnuasachadh gach la. Daily debate and discussion with Kenny MacIver.
1/1 Cuid de mhuinntir Steòrnabhaigh ag innse sgeulachd seann Playhouse a' bhaile. To coincide with the Royal National Mod in Stornoway, locals recall the town's old film theatre.
Ceol Duthchail comhla ri Iain Costello MacIomhair. The best of country music introduced by Iain Costello MacIver.
Aig an am seo bithidh Radio nan Gaidheal a' tilleadh gu Radio Alba. Radio nan Gaidheal joins Radio Scotland until 7.30am.