Wake up to an early mix of music and chat, plus the morning's papers with Joe Lemer.
How well does Gloucestershire do compared to other local authorities?
The light and shade of Gloucestershire and what matters to you. Real life, your life.
The big names, Gloucestershire's unsung heroes, experts and characters. Don't miss it.
Hidden gems and local characters. The great outdoors, arts, culture and history.
Catch up on the day's news plus great music for the drive home.
Cherry and White Wednesday
Live from Kingsholm with Steve Kitchen
1 hour on BBC Radio Gloucestershire
With special guests Head Coach Johan Ackermann and Gloucester owner Martin St Quinton
Johnny sits in and finds out how you can learn any language in three months, discovers a fire-breathing dragon in Nottinghamshire and news of the Bog Snorkelling Championships.
Dan Chisholm helps wind up the evening with great music and calls.
BBC Radio Gloucestershire joins BBC Radio 5 live.