Kelly Windsor Burgin brings you an early mix of music, chat, and a delve into the papers.
It's costing £3000 every week to secure and protect the Wilderness Centre site in the Forest of Dean. It comes a year and a half after the council closed the centre to save money.
The show reports from Kingsholm where an event is encouraging employers to give people with learning disabilities the chance of real employment.
Kate's joined by a nutritionist from Cheltenham who explains why you HAVE to eat fish at least twice a week, to feel any benefits!
Claire Carter on BBC Radio Somerset
'Minnie the Moocher' and 'Over the Rainbow'
2 hours, 30 minutes on BBC Radio Gloucestershire
Claire Looks back at the 1930's - the decade that gave us 'Minnie the Moocher' and 'Over the Rainbow'
High profile politicians start to campaign in the County .. plus Common cranes are seen nest building for first time in 400 years
Charlie Charlton sits in to bring the best of the day's BBC Local Radio together.
Wind up the evening with great music and calls.
BBC Radio Gloucestershire joins BBC Radio 5 live.