6.27 Farming Today
6.45 Outlook reflecting matters of Christian interest and concern
6.50 Weather; programme news
6.55 South-East News
7.10 On Your Farm: a weekly review of the agricultural scene Produced by ANTHONY PARKIN
7.40 Today's Papers
7.45 Outlook
7.50 Weather; programme news
7.55 South-East News
The News
Radio 4's breakfast-time look at what Britain is getting up to this weekend - and what's happening abroad
Today's Papers at 8.45
8.59 Weather
(Revised edition: Tues. 9.5 am)
What the weeklies think, illustrated from their editorials, is reviewed by NORMAN HUNT
MISS LAVINIA FINAU who talk about their island kingdom of Tonga and introduce some of its music
Produced by HAROLD ROGERS (First broadcast in 1968)
New Every Morning, page 47; Gracious Spirit, Holy Ghost (BBC Hymn Book 153); Psalm 48: Acts 8, vv 5-13; Lord, teach us how to pray aright (BBC HB 344)
Two stories by GEORGES SIMENON , dramatised in 20 episodes with PIERRE VALMER as Maigret Le chien jaune: part 4
A course for those with some knowledge of German 18: Haus zu verkaufen
(Repeated: Wednesday, 6.30 pm: Study on 3)
An approach to critical reading 16: D. H. Lawrence , Prophet and Teacher
(For publications and associated NEC correspondence courses see page 58)
Introduced by JACOB DE VRIES
News and prospects of all the day's big events including:
Racing at Epsom, with The Oaks topping the card
Cycling-Tour of Britain, Milk Race (final day): JOHN BURNS reports on this morning's individual Time Trial on Madeira Drive, Brighton
Lawn Tennis: French Open Championships in Paris
Golf: The Amateur Championship at Newcastle, N Ireland Produced by GEOFF DOBSON
(Sport on 2: 2.30-5.45 pm)
Chairman FRANKLIN ENGELMANN Round 2: featuring each week three winners from Round 1 9: Northern Ireland
WILLIAM TAYLOR , Belfast civil servant
GRANVILLE WEIR. Co Down production scheduler
OLIVER BROWN , Co Antrim retired missionary
Including Beat the Brains Devised and written by JOHN P. WYNN
Produced by JOAN CLARK (Repeated: Friday, 6.15 pm)
12.55 Weather; programme news
A spontaneous discussion by THE RT HON
NORMAN ST JOHN-STEVAS from St Albans , Herts Chairman DAVID JACOBS
Listeners' views for use in Any Answers? should be addressed to the BBC, Bristol BS8 2LR, marked Any Answers?
by ANTON DELMAR with Cecil Parker , Leslie Dwyer
Knockhundred Hall and Wand-field Open Prison are conveniently close. And Lord Knockhundred takes a very personal interest in both.
Produced by DAVID GEARY
Introduced by Marjorie Anderson Guest: Moira Lister
Bookshelf: Gold and Silver. KENNETH LOVELAND on Franz Lehar and a new book about him
Setting up home again at 92: MRS E. WILLOCKS talks to MOLLY
Watchdog: for those who receive goods and services
My Religion: BISHNUDEV NARA-YAN, a Hindu, talks to PAMELA GILLHAM
DUNCAN CARSE reads Myself a Mandarin by AUSTIN COATES
Plympton FRANKLIN ENGELMANN recently visited Plympton in Devon
Produced by STEPHEN WILLIAMS (Shortened edition, Wed. 12.0.
Portrait of a Star
TONY BILBOW talks to
Jean Simmons who discusses her career in Hollywood and introduces scenes from her latest film The Happy Ending Written by LYN FAIRHURST Produced by BOBBY JAYE
JOHN TIMPSON introduces 25 minutes devoted to listeners' own views on current issues
on behalf of the Labour Party
5.55 Weather; programme news
(Repeated: Sunday, 9.15 am)
Introduced by JOHN MOTSON Produced by GODFREY DIXEY
Arthur Askey talks of his life and times, on the occasion of his 70th birthday today, to ROY PLOMLEY Joining in the celebrations are: Anthea Askey , William Bird
Gracie Fields. Stanley Holloway Richard Murdoch , Cliff Richard Jimmy Tarbuck , Terry-Thomas Tommy Trlnder , Jack Warner Produced by JOHN BROWELL (Before your very eyes!: p 12)
The Lighthearted Quest by GUY VAESEN from
ANN BRIDGE'S famous novel with Maria Aitken as Julia Probyn , the young and beautiful heroine who embarks on a series of colourful adventures in Morocco in her attempt to trace her missing cousin.
Produced by GUY VAESEN
(Repeated: Monday, 3.0 pm)
9.58 Weather
The latest Election news and comment
A late-evening conversation in which HILDE HIMMELWEIT MAURICE TEMPLE SMITH and ANTONY JAY freely exchange thoughts, opinions, ideas, and prejudices With BRIAN REDHEAD
Produced by BRIAN BLAKE
The Litany sung to the music of Thomas Tallis
preceded by Weather