برنامه بامدای، که در جریان آن شنونده ها به بی بی سی زنگ می زنند و اتقاقات مهمی را که در محل سکونت شان رخ می دهد شریک می کنند.
Programming from the BBC Pashto Service
News from the BBC Pashto Service
لومړنۍ سهارنۍ خپرونه
06/10/2017 GMT
News from the BBC Pashto Service
دویمه سهارنۍ خپرونه
06/10/2017 GMT
News from the BBC Pashto Service
Reach/Village Voice
30/09/2017 GMT
Programming from the BBC Pashto Service
News from the BBC Pashto Service
Health Magazine/new Home New Life Omnibus
06/10/2017 GMT
Programming from the BBC Pashto Service.
News from the BBC Pashto Service
Programming from the BBC Pashto Service
News from the BBC Pashto Service
خانه نو زندگی نو
06/10/2017 GMT
برنامه آموزشی
News from the BBC Pashto Service
Programming from the BBC Pashto Service
غمى، هغه پروگرام چې کورنيو ته معلومات، شخصي کيسې او ډامې وړاندې کوي چې څنگه د خپلو کوچينيانو روغتيا ښه وساتي.
Programming from the BBC Pashto Service
Programming from the BBC Pashto Service
New Home New Life /Village Voice
New Home New Life/Village Voice
Programming from the BBC Pashto Service