The select committee statement by the chair of the Procedure committee, Karen Bradley, on how MPs can question the foreign secretary whilst he is a member of the House of Lords. Show more
Proceedings in Westminster Hall, including debates on hedgerows, books in primary schools, international human rights abuses, mentoring and on the Shared Rural Network, from Wednesday 24 January. Show more
Coverage of proceedings in the House of Lords including the debate on the current situation in Ukraine on Friday 26 January.
Coverage of questions in the House of Commons to Rishi Sunak, the prime minister, from Wednesday 24 January.
Questions in the Scottish Parliament to Humza Yousaf, the first minister, from Thursday 25 January.
Questions in the Welsh Parliament to Mark Drakeford, the first minister, from Tuesday 23 January.
Coverage of an urgent question on plans to roll-out 15 hours of funded childcare for two-year-olds in working families from April 2024, on Monday 22 January. Show more
Select Committees
Middle East and North Africa Inquiry
2 hours on BBC Parliament
Available for 27 days
The Foreign Affairs select committee session on the UK's policy towards Iran, as part of its inquiry into the Middle East and North Africa, from Tuesday 23 January. Show more
Select Committees
Reforming Adult Social Care Inquiry
2 hours, 10 minutes on BBC Parliament
Available for 10 months
Commons Public Accounts select committee session on reforming adult social care in England, from Wednesday 24 January. Show more
Select Committees
Work of National Highways Inquiry
2 hours, 5 minutes on BBC Parliament
Available for 10 months
The Transport Select committee session on the work of National Highways, from Wednesday 24 January. Show more
Coverage of questions in the House of Commons to Kemi Badenoch, the business and trade secretary, and her team of ministers on Thursday 25 January.
Coverage of questions in the House of Commons to the Scotland Office team of ministers on Wednesday 24 January.
Coverage of questions in the House of Commons to Victoria Atkins, the health and social care secretary, and her team of ministers on Tuesday 23 January.
House of Commons
Levelling Up, Housing and Communities Questions
1 hour on BBC Parliament
Available for 4 weeks
Coverage of questions in the House of Commons to Michael Gove, the levelling up, housing and communities secretary, and his team of ministers on Monday 22 January.
Questions in the Welsh Parliament to Mark Drakeford, the first minister, from Tuesday 23 January.
Questions in the Scottish Parliament to Humza Yousaf, the first minister, from Thursday 25 January.