Denise is thrown into turmoil by the arrival of an unwelcome visitor. Minty upsets Garry by making a new friend. Stacey faces a tough decision, but which path will she choose?
Nicki Chapman introduces the ten best holiday reports based on a particular theme. She reveals the ten best reports for thrill seekers and adrenaline junkies.
Terry Wogan presents viewers' opinions on BBC programmes.
Sharron Davies appeals on behalf of British Blind Sport, a charity that provides sport and recreation to blind and partially-sighted people.
A decade after the IRA bombing in Manchester, Aled Jones meets the first fireman to reach the scene, a victim and a former terrorist who's brought peace to the city.
Auntie Wainwright finally admits that she needs a new means of transport and sends Tom and Smiler to collect it. It's everything they want...almost.