Police in Lambeth have been accused of "demonising" homeless people after putting up an anti-begging sign outside Waterloo station.
Robert Elms
Brian Griffin, Rowena Chowdrey, Jenny Landreth and The Little Unsaid.
3 hours on BBC Radio London
Music photographer Brian Griffin and live music from The Little Unsaid.
Singer Katrina Leskanich from Katrina and the Waves chats about her new album and Abi Nolan talks about teaching yoga for those who can’t afford it.
Fathers who interact more with their babies during the first few months of life may boost their child's mental development.
Georgey Spanswick
Strange tourist attractions and anti-terror training for nannies
3 hours on BBC Radio London
Georgey talks about strange tourist attractions including cemetery tours and the British Lawnmower Museum, a dog reunion, social media moggy and anti-terror training for nannies.
Do you feel like your living in a nanny state and what is the story behind your scar?
The Labour party manifesto has been leaked and are you still with your childhood sweetheart?
The BBC has obtained a leaked draft of Labour's manifesto and have you ever suffered a stroke?