GERRY savage's angling programme
London weather, traffic and today's sports news,
Advice on all types of gardens and gardening in the London area.
with Saturday Scene
Two hours of music and what's happening in and around town today.
Dedications on [number removed]
NORMAN DE MESQUITA and the Radio London sports team looking ahead to the weekend sport.
with It's Saturday. Two and a half hours of non-stop music including an hour of soul;
with Close-Up
Comments and facts about new films, with scenes and music from soundtrack, interviews with screen personalities, com- petitions, quizzes to test your memory of movies old and not so old.
with London Country
The host of country music on disc, plus special guest Marvin Rainwater who, with BOB, looks at the work of the country songwriters; and MARGARET TSCHIRREN. looks ahead to events on the country music calendar during November. Producer MARGARET TSCHIRREN
For and about blind people in London