as Radio 2
London weather, traffic and today's sports news
In the week when spring officially begins, JOHN WARREN and JOHN MURRAY make their regular monthly visit to the Radio London allotment in Southall. They have been preparing it through January and February for the seeds which they are planting today. It's an all-vegetable plot, so the emphasis is on self-sufficiency as they take us through the season, from seed to harvest. Producer JOHN MURRAY See also feature p 67
with Saturday Scene. Two hours of music and what's happening in and around town today. Dedications, please, on [number removed]
A look forward to this afternoon's sport.
Produced and presented by NORMAN DE MESQUITA
Two-and-a-half hours of non-stop music, including an hour of soul.
MARJORIE BILBOW 'S guide to the cinema, with reviews, interviews with film personalities, scenes and music from current films and quizzes to test your memory.
The Radio London sports team with up-to-the-minute reports from the big sporting events in and around London, especially football.
Music supplied by JIMMY HENNY
5.0 Sports Report (R2)
as Radio 2 (p 22)